JavaScript 数组找到属性并且进行判断的方法

   x.forEach((element) => {
        if (element.IsValid) {
            return element.Value;
    return "";



It looks like you are iterating over an array ‘x’ and checking if each element’s property ‘IsValid’ is true. If it is true, you are returning the ‘Value’ property of that element. However, the return statement inside the forEach loop will not work as expected.

根据上面的说法是,我们期望通过对 X 数组进行循环,然后找到满足条件的后跳出循环。

但是我们使用的是 forEach 循环,这种循环方法是不会跳出来的。

You can achieve this by using the find method instead of forEach. Here is how you can modify the code:

可以做的是,使用 find 方法来替代 forEach 方法。

const validElement = x.find((element) => element.IsValid);
return validElement ? validElement.Value : "";

This code will find the first element in the array where ‘IsValid’ is true and return its ‘Value’ property.


If no such element is found, it will return an empty string.



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